We are excited to announce that Erica Landrock has been selected as one of seven participants for the 2nd annual Bell Media Executive Producer Accelerator Lab program. The program designed to assist advancement of mid-level Canadian producers. Erica will be heading to Toronto in February to join the rest of the participants in a six week training program at Bell Media's headquarters. The producers will work through hands-on sessions with internal departments at Bell Media, participate in panel discussions with industry experts as well as work through case studies and coaching sessions.
Following the internship, up to three participants will be selected for a specialized eight to 10-month production apprenticeship with a top independent Canadian production company or Bell Media In-House Productions. This is an amazing opportunity and one that Erica is looking forward to. Being the only producer selected from outside Toronto, it is a great opportunity to spend time with broadcast executives and production companies in the Toronto area. Now to find a warm winter jacket to handle the balmy -30 degree weather Toronto has been experiencing back east this winter!
For more information about the program and other participants, please check out the press release here.