It has been a busy Summer and Fall as Erica has been helping produce Lisa Jackson's new short film Intemperance. Lori Lozinski of Violator Films is her producing partner on the short film and a great partner to have! Following meeting Lisa in the Spring at the Yorkton Film Festival, Erica was invited to join the team which went to camera in August. With Vancouver's production scene ridiculously busy over the summer it was a tricky film to crew up and get gear for however everything came together in the end and we are thrilled with how it is looking. From creating an entire Ojibway village complete with wigwam's in a North Vancouver park to filming in a mansion in Shaughnessy it was quite the production. Having worked predominantly on documentaries over the last few years, it was great to get back into the narrative landscape on a shorter project. Always a good way to meet new people and turn around a project in a much shorter timeline!
The film itself is titled Intemperance and is a ten minute film re-enacting a short story from the 1850 book The Traditional History and Characteristic Sketches of the Ojibway Nation, written by George Copyway, an Anishinaabe (Ojibway) man with a complex and complicated life story and perspective. It is a fiction film, but based on a history event recounted by Copyway, so therefore a hybrid. The narration in the film is taken directly from his writing.
The film will be premiering October 26th in Toronto at the imagineNATIVE film festival's closing gala. In 2015, Erica was selected to be part of the Bell Media Executive Producer Accelerator Lab. She is a recipient of the Shaw Media Hot Docs Rendezvous Pitch Prize, is a CTV National fellowship recipient and a National Screen Institute Totally TV Alumni.