The three night award show kicked off on Friday for the Leo Awards. The Leo Awards are British Columbia’s film and television awards. Our four nominations from two of our shows were split into categories being handed out on Saturday and Sunday. First up on Saturday night Erica Landrock and Jeff Yellen represented Working People: A History of Labour in British Columbia. Up for two awards on Saturday night with Jeff Yellen up for Best Sound Editing in a Documentary Program or Series and Adham Shaikh up for Best Musical Score in a Documentary Program or Series, excitement was in the air!
We were thrilled that Jeff Yellen from Ridgeline Sound took home a Leo Award for Best Sound Editing in a Documentary Program or Series for the Working People series! A much deserved award for bringing the images and history alive of BC’s Working People. Congratulations Jeff!
Sunday night we had a big group out to represent Working People: A History of Labour in British Columbia and Rise of the eSports Hero that were nominated for Best Documentary Series and Best Short Documentary respectively. While we didn’t end up taking home a Leo on Sunday night, it was an honour to be nominated amongst so many talented people in British Columbia and lots of fun to get all dressed up for the occasion! Congratulations to all of this years nominees and winners. Was great to raise a glass and celebrate BC’s film and television industry.